ReFINE receives EU Erasmus+ funding
ReFINE has successfully won funding from the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network Grant.
ReFINE receives unconventional hydrocarbons funding
ReFINE has successfully won funding as part of the NERC-ESRC Unconventional Hydrocarbon call.
Latest ReFINE research
Leaks on high pressure gas pipeline networks represent 2.9% of total annual UK methane emissions
ReFINE research on the risk of earthquakes
Man-made earthquake risk reduced if fracking is 895 m from faults
ReFINE Research on spills and leaks
The potential for spills and leaks of contaminated liquids from shale gas developments
Dr Shannon Flynn joins ReFINE
Analytical Chemist Shannon Flynn from Newcastle University joins the ReFINE research team
The Final M4ShaleGas Conference
ReFINE researchers attend the final M4ShaleGas conference in Krakow
Richard Davies provides expert opinion in BBC interview
Richard Davies talks to the BBC about Third Energy's Hydraulic Fracturing Plan
The Conversation
Prof Richard Davies comments on fracking guidelines
ReFINE Research on horizontal respect distances
Horizontal respect distance for hydraulic fracturing in the vicinity of existing faults in deep geological reservoirs
Argentina Shale Gas and Oil Summit
Building ReFINE’s global network, Sarah Clancy and Miles Wilson (both Durham University) are representing the ReFINE consortium at the Shale Gas and Oil Summit in Buenos Aires.
Knowledge Sharing Conference
ReFINE researcher, Yannick Kremer (University of Strathclyde), presented his latest research at the international conference held in Amsterdam.
Richard Davies provides expert opinion in BBC interview
Monitoring at fracking sites discussed on BBC North West Tonight
ReFINE research on the carrying capacity of the land
ReFINE research on the carrying capacity of the land
Horizon 2020
Neil Thorpe in Horizon 2020 publication